With Vets Direct, you will be fully supported with expert advice, and professional service.
We know that helping our clients starts with providing a good understanding of health care issues and treatment options.
We treat every pet like they're our own. We offer thorough consultations with an evidence-based approach. Our team regularly attend conferences and seminars to ensure we are up to date with the most recent professional recommendations.
You can always request the same doctor to attend to your pet. Having the same GP for life is a great way of ensuring the best care plan for your pet.
Annual vaccinations are important to promote longevity by reducing the risk of infection from common diseases.
Dog and puppy vaccinations are the only way to protect them against certain diseases that are highly contagious and potentially fatal. It is essential that all pets are adequately vaccinated to help protect the pet population as a whole. We will advise you on the most appropriate vaccination for your dog or puppy.
We vaccinate for:
A highly contagious viral gastroenteritis. Depression, loss of appetite, severe vomiting and diarrhoea containing blood are some of the symptoms. Death can occur very quickly.
The best method of protecting your dog against CPV infection is proper vaccination. Puppies receive a parvovirus vaccination as part of their multiple-agent vaccine series. It is recommended to be given at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. After the initial series of vaccinations, boosters will be required on a regular basis.
A highly contagious disease producing symptoms such as conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, convulsive seizures and spinal cord damage. Treatment is often ineffective.
Fortunately there are highly effective vaccines to prevent this deadly disease. These vaccines are given to puppies along with other routine vaccines at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. After the initial puppy vaccine boosters, additional distemper vaccine boosters should be given to adult dogs.
In puppies can cause sudden death. In adult animals, depending on the severity of your animals infection you may notice symptoms including fevers, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, anorexia or bruising to the skin, loss of appetite and bleeding.
Vaccination has been very successful at reducing the prevalence of this disease. Healthy dogs should be able to clear the viral cells out of the organs within 2 weeks, and it will then be shed from the kidneys into the urine for up to 9 months.
Also known as Kennel Cough is a complex disease caused by a bacterium and a virus that targets the functional parts of organs, including the liver, kidneys, eyes and blood vessels.
Affected dogs will have a hacking cough persisting for several weeks and has the potential to progress into a more serious and life-threatening infection if pneumonia and chronic bronchitis develop. In puppies and old dogs the disease can be devastating.
A disease that can cause kidney failure and liver failure, and occasionally severe lung disease and bleeding disorders. The clinical signs of Leptospira infection vary considerably from no signs of infection, to just a mild illness of short duration from which the animal recovers quickly on their own, to severe disease and even death.
There are vaccines that can effectively prevent Leptospirosis. The risk of infection can also be reduced by avoiding your pet drinking or swimming in public waterways (including rivers, lakes or stagnant water) and minimise contact with potentially infected animals such as rodents and farm animals.
If your pet is lethargic, depressed, not eating, vomiting, feverish, has increased thirst and urination, and/or is jaundiced take them to the vet immediately.
Alternatives to Vaccine:
Titre testing
Upon collecting a blood sample, we send it to an accredited laboratory to check the concentration of antibodies to specific diseases. If antibody levels are deemed to be protective we provide advice regarding ongoing protection.
Cat and kitten vaccinations are the only way to protect them against certain diseases that are highly contagious and potentially fatal. Whether your cat is an outdoor adventurer or an inside companion it is important for your pet to be vaccinated to maintain their immunity against disease. We will ensure you get the most appropriate vaccination for your cat or kitten.
We vaccinate for:
Feline calicivirus is a virus that is an important cause of upper respiratory infections and oral disease in cats. Calicivirus is highly contagious and infected cats can shed the virus in saliva or secretions from the nose or eyes. If an infected cat sneezes, airborne viral particles can be sprayed several meters through the air.
Kittens require several boosters of this vaccine between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks, and at least one other booster a year later. After this initial series, the vaccine will also need to be boostered on a regular basis every 1-3 years.
Also known as feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), a highly contagious disease producing symptoms such as conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, convulsive seizures and spinal cord damage. The virus is spread in saliva and discharges from the eyes and nose of an infected cat or inanimate object including clothing, furniture, food or water bowls.
An uncomplicated infection caused by FVR will be treated symptomatically determined by the specific signs your cat is showing. This can be treated using antiviral drops or oral medication prescribed by your vet and will typically dissipate in 10-20 days.
Also known as feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV) a highly contagious viral gastroenteritis. Depression, or listlessness, dull hair coat, severe vomiting and diarrhoea containing blood are some of the symptoms.
Fortunately, excellent vaccines are available and are part of the core feline vaccination program. Kittens require boosters of this vaccine starting at six to eight weeks of age and given every three to four weeks until the kitten is 16-20 weeks of age, followed by at least one booster a year later. Cats and kittens over 16 weeks of age need an initial series of two vaccinations three to four weeks apart.
FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) is very similar to the HIV virus in people, and while it is not transmissible to people it is a leading cause of chronic illness in pet cats in Sydney. It is transmitted through direct contact with infected cats, through saliva, scratches and bite wounds.
Vaccinating against FIV is recommended for all cats that go outdoors or that may go outdoors in the future.
FeLV can be transmitted in the same way as FIV. Cats that contract FeLV have a very high chance of developing fatal leukaemia, a blood cancer.
Worms, fleas and ticks can cause significant harm to your pets, but there are quick, easy and painless solutions to protect your pet.
Treating your dogs and cats for worms is very important.
Worms exist throughout the environment, regular deworming will keep your pets and family safe and healthy. Tapeworms, whipworms and roundworms are the most common worms that need to be prevented. Signs of intestinal parasitism are non-specific and include weight loss, bloating, fatigue or a dull coat.
There are a variety of de worming treatments available, with some products treating fleas and heartworm as well. We will discuss the right treatment for your pet and can administer the medication to save you the hassle.
Fleas create itchy skin and can develop a parasitic burden for your pet.
Fleas are tiny little parasites that hold onto your pet’s skins and can cause skin irritation amongst your cats and dogs. Without proper treatment, a single flea can end up causing a flea infestation and lead to a condition known as Flea Allergy Dermatitis.
Signs of a flea infestation include excessive scratching, irregular agitation, and red pimples or bumps on your pet’s skin. Fleas can be prevented through the use of chewables, spot-on treatment, medicated shampoos, tablets and environmental control.
Contact with tick saliva can be fatal!
Like spiders and mites, ticks are arachnids. After attaching itself onto a host, a tick feeds on the host’s blood and in turn deposits a potent nerve toxin in the host’s body through its saliva. This toxin can cause the connection between the host dog or cat’s nerves and muscles to malfunction.
Once a tick bites and feeds upon your pet’s blood, it swells in size and is often visible to our naked eyes. Several of the preventatives that work for fleas are useful in preventing ticks as well.
A senior pet health assessment gives us valuable information about your pets overall health.
Being proactive after your pet reaches 7 years of age can prevent or act as early detection with many diseases.
Our seniors check up includes:
Wellness Programs suited for your companion animals.
Program includes:
Program includes:
At Vets Direct, we offer an evidence-based approach to ensure you get the most out of your livestock, our services include:
Servicing Hawkesbury, Camden and the Southern Highlands.
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